Enter a domain name and get contact information associated with it
Domain | |
Registration Date | 1991-10-03 |
Expiration Date | 2025-12-31 |
Status | Registered |
Registrant | Associação DNS.PT Rua Eça de Queirós 29, Lisboa, 1050-095 LISBOA, PT; |
Managing Body | Associação DNS.PT Associação DNS.PT, Rua Eça de Queirós 29, Lisboa, 1050-095 LISBOA, PT; |
Nameserver information | Name Server: | IPv4: and IPv6: 2001:678:20::23 Name Server: | IPv4: and IPv6: 2001:500:14:6105:ad::1 Name Server: | IPv4: and IPv6: 2a04:6d80::12 Name Server: | IPv4: and IPv6: 2a04:6d81::4 IN DS 39979 13 2 8EFD52C77334BA92ACE2AA2940149934D229459AF6277F7324E1BC14ACB5C337 |
To register a new domain, or when performing technical amendments should resort to technical evaluator
With this tool you can confirm that the DNS servers indicated for your domain have been correctly configured.
By simply inputting the domain and IP address or name of the server, automatically confirms if it is properly configured or if, on the contrary, there is any technical irregularity. In the case of the latter, the irregularities are listed.
By simply inputting the domain and IP address or name of the server, automatically confirms if it is properly configured or if, on the contrary, there is any technical irregularity. In the case of the latter, the irregularities are listed.
Domain to verify:
IP or name of the primary server: or
Domain to verify:
IP or name of the primary server: or
To register a new domain, or when performing technical amendments should resort to technical evaluator
With this tool .pt gives its users the opportunity of surfing the Internet using the Portuguese language in its correct form, making .PT one of the foremost TLDs in global terms.
For example, cançã instead of, making direct access to Portuguese domains clearer.
Registering a domain with special characters does not imply any changes to the way the registration is carried out. It is totally transparent for the user. However, in technical terms, it is necessary to carry out a slightly different configuration: configuration of these domains must be carried out in punycode form.
Punycode is the universal way of representing domains in ASCII format, whatever their original format.
In order to correctly configure the cançã domain in the name servers, the format xn— must be used.
For the time being, only the following special characters in the Portuguese alphabet have been considered: (`) grave accent, (´) acute accent, (^) circumflex accent and (~) tilde. These characters only make sense when applied to the Portuguese language (à; á; â; ã; ç; é; ê; í; ó; ô; õ; ú).
For example, cançã instead of, making direct access to Portuguese domains clearer.
Registering a domain with special characters does not imply any changes to the way the registration is carried out. It is totally transparent for the user. However, in technical terms, it is necessary to carry out a slightly different configuration: configuration of these domains must be carried out in punycode form.
Punycode is the universal way of representing domains in ASCII format, whatever their original format.
In order to correctly configure the cançã domain in the name servers, the format xn— must be used.
For the time being, only the following special characters in the Portuguese alphabet have been considered: (`) grave accent, (´) acute accent, (^) circumflex accent and (~) tilde. These characters only make sense when applied to the Portuguese language (à; á; â; ã; ç; é; ê; í; ó; ô; õ; ú).