Digital Literacy and Inclusion
One of the missions of the .PT is to contribute to the promotion of the internet and digital skills in Portugal. In the scope of the support to INCoDe.2030, a governmental programme dedicated to the reinforcement of digital skills; to MUDA, that aims to encourage the participation of the portuguese citizens in the digital space; and to Portugal Digital, an action plan designed to be the motor of transformation of the country, through the digital empowerment of People, the digital transformation of Companies and the digitalisation of the State and whose purpose is to accelerate Portugal, without leaving anyone behind, and to project the country in the world, .PT has been extending the support to projects and initiatives in the area of digital inclusion.

The National Initiative for Digital Skills e.2030, INCoDe.2030, is a government program that aims to promote the digital skills of the Portuguese citizens, aggregating and promoting initiatives from public and private entities.
It is organized into five lines of action, ensuring transversally the promotion of gender equality, deconstructing stereotypes in the technological area and promoting equal opportunities.
INCoDe.2030 will carry out, throughout 2022 and 2023, the INCoDe.2030 Roadmap – Digital Training, which will visit 25 Portuguese cities, to discuss topics such as digital training, information security, gender equality, funds and their use, and to present initiatives such as the EU SOU DIGITAL or the Engineers for a day project. The INCoDe.2030 Roadmap – Digital Capacity Building is financed by the POAT 2020 - Technical Assistance Operational Program.
SDG: is a contest that aims to challenge young Portuguese students to develop original websites with content in Portuguese and under the .pt domain. The contest was born from a partnership with DECO Jovem, meanwhile extended to other partners: ANPRI; DGE, IGAC, INPI, Plano Nacional de Leitura e Direção-Geral do Consumidor. is aimed at young people between 14 and 18 years, privileging the school context as a motivating element for the participation of students and teachers. Students, with a teacher, can compete to develop websites under different categories. In the first phase of the contest will be approved the best proposals of websites. To these proposals will be given a .pt domain, a website development tool and hosting and e-mail boxes, that is, a voucher, that will allow the development of the website and its permanence for 12 months. The winning teams receive prizes and, also, have the opportunity to be recognized at the ceremony of the ACEPI Navegantes XXI Awards.


Rampa Digital

Online video courses, case studies, online and face-to-face follow-up and training sessions are some of the actions that are part of the Rampa Digital, which also adopts a proximity approach, through individual and small group sessions.

Rampa Digital is a initiative of .PT with the support of Contributing to accelerate economic recovery through technology and digital is the macro objective. The Rampa Digital includes a set of training and mentoring actions, as well as free access to digital tools, and is aimed at three major target audiences:
- Micro and small businesses, particularly from regions marked by geographical asymmetry
- Women in vulnerable situations
- Young people with special needs
Online video courses, case studies, online and face-to-face follow-up and training sessions are some of the actions that are part of the Rampa Digital, which also adopts a proximity approach, through individual and small group sessions.

Since 2006, .PT has been promoting the presence of companies created on the spot with a .pt domain, following a protocol signed with the Ministry of Justice - RNPC. In 2013, and considering the .PT commitment to the national internet community, the initiative titled 3em1 was created, to which a set of .pt registrars were associated. With the 3em1 initiative it is given to those who create a company, association or branch on the spot, ENH, which is a government initiative, a package of free services, for a period of one year, which includes a .pt domain, a website development tool and hosting and e-mail boxes.
3em1 extends to other initiatives outside the scope of the ENH, taking the form of a voucher to be assigned to individuals or entities to be defined.

Acredita Portugal
Acredita Portugal is a non-profit organization focused on the development and promotion of national entrepreneurship. .PT offers 3em1 vouchers to the 150 semifinalists of the Acredita Portugal Entrepreneurship Contest, so they can promote their digital presence.


In 2018 a protocol was signed between ACEPI - Associação da Economia Digital, CCP - Confederação do Comércio e Serviços de Portugal and .PT, under the aegis of the Ministry of Economy, to develop the Project Comé - Qualify the Commerce and Services for the Digital Economy that aims the modernization and training of more than 50,000 SMEs, in the adoption of an effective and consequent presence on the Internet and support in the use and acquisition of digital marketing tools, for a sustainable and globalized growth of their businesses.
One of the initiatives planned under this program, which involves the .pt, is the 3em1 Comércio (.pt domain, website development tool and e-mail boxes, free for one year), aimed at microenterprises and SMEs, particularly of the commerce of proximity (commerce and services), which do not yet have their website.


Acredita Portugal
Acredita Portugal is a non-profit organization focused on the development and promotion of national entrepreneurship. .PT offers 3em1 vouchers to the 150 semifinalists of the Acredita Portugal Entrepreneurship Contest, so they can promote their digital presence.


The EUSOUDIGITAL Program aims to promote the digital literacy of 1 million adults in Portugal, by the end of 2023, through the development of a national network of thousands of volunteers supported in more than 1,500 spaces throughout the country.
The program will support adults who have never used the internet, through digital training actions developed by volunteers, in places close to the community, such as Parish Councils, schools, homes, among others.
It is an initiative financed by Caixa Geral de Depósitos, promoted by MUDA – Movement for Active Digital Use with the support of the Portugal Digital Mission Structure, carried out in partnership with .PT, INCoDe.2030, Foundation for Science and Technology and Nova School of Business Ecnonomics, and co-financed by Portugal Social Innovation, POISE – Operational Programme for Social Inclusion in Employment, Portugal 2020 and by the European Union.


Apps for Good
.PT supports Apps for Good, an educational technology movement where teachers and students work together to respond to relevant day-to-day issues through the creation of apps. Apps for Good was one of the 100 most promising technology initiatives in Europe in 2018, released by the Financial Times in collaboration with Google.
In addition to the global support to the initiative, .PT also supports the award for the female audience "Young Female Student .PT". With this award, .PT aims to encourage female participation in Apps for Good and, consequently, in the digital world.


Portugal Digital Week
.PT is an institutional partner of the Portugal Digital Week, an initiative of ACEPI – Digital Economy Association. During this week several activities take place, among them the Study of the Digital Economy, which includes .pt data; the Portugal Digital Summit, which includes .PT guest speakers and a .PT stand in the exhibition area; the ACEPI Navegantes XXI Awards that include 3 categories supported by .PT: Best .pt Site; Best School Site/; and Best App for Good; and the "Portugal Digital 2017-2025” National Roadshow at top universities across Portugal, presenting the most recent digital trends and the results of the Digital Economy in Portugal Study.SDG:

MUDA - Movement for Active Digital Use
.PT is one of the promoting entities of MUDA, a national movement promoted by several companies, universities and associations and by the Portuguese Government that jointly assume the commitment to encourage the participation of the Portuguese people in the digital space and help to take advantage of the benefits associated to digital services made available by companies and the State.SDG:

Scholarship programme
.PT signed a memorandum of understanding with Huawei for the development of a scholarship programme that aims to benefit a total of 50 Portuguese students in higher education in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) areas.


Internet Segura
The Centro Internet Segura project is a responsibility of a consortium coordinated by the National Cybersecurity Center, which also involves the Directorate-General for Education, FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, Portuguese Association for Victim Support, Altice Foundation and Microsoft. .PT is a member of the Monitoring Council of the Centro Internet Segura.


Digital Literacy and Inclusion Program
.PT supports the Digital Literacy and Inclusion Program of the Lisbon City Hall, which was created so that Lisbon City Hall workers and citizens may, in a simple and practical way, access the Internet and the use of digital technologies in daily life. It is based on 10 certified training courses on online communication, Internet security, online public services, text editing, spreadsheets and introduction to programming. The completion of the courses allows to obtain the Digital Skills Passport, unique in the country.
The program started in September 2017 in Marvila. Since then, more than 150 courses have been held across the city and more than 1800 digital badges have been issued, 60% of which to female participants. Although the program is available, free of charge, to all citizens, it has a focus on adults with low incomes, low qualification levels, the unemployed and the elderly. The age range of participants is wide: from 21 to 94 years old.


LEME - Media Literacy and Education Online
The LEME - Media Literacy and Education Online website is an aggregator of media literacy resources (video, audio, games, activities), available online and ready to use in educational activities, in order to stimulate in students, consumers and content producers in digital media, the knowledge, skills and critical sense essential for an informed and responsible performance.
LEME is a joint initiative of the Secretary of State for Cinema, Audiovisual and Media and the Secretary of State for Education and is available to the general public at:

EU Kids Online
EU Kids Online is a study on the use of the internet, mobile phone and other online technologies by children and young people. The new EU Kids Online national survey, presented in 2019, was coordinated by the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa and counted on the contribution of the Direção-Geral da Educação and with the financial support of the PT.SDG:

NET Viva e Segura
Another initiative of DECO supported by the .PT, which aims to promote digital literacy and encourage school-aged young people to access the internet safely, promoting more informed and aware active online experiences out of respect for your privacy, is NET Viva e Segura.


Portuguese Initiative of the Internet Governance Forum
The Portuguese Initiative of the Internet Governance Forum (IPFGI) is a national platform for dialogue that brings together all stakeholders, public and private, academy, the internet technical community and society at large to inform, reflect and debate, in an open and interactive way, how the Internet should be governed, an increasingly relevant theme in national and international scenarios. The .PT is a co-organizer of this initiative and also supports the European initiative (EuroDIG).SDG:

.PT is a founding member of the ENSICO Association, which aims, in general terms, to promote and support the teaching of computer science at the level of compulsory education in Portugal. To this end, the Association proposes to promote and value computer science and contribute to its implementation as a fundamental and solidly established discipline in all compulsory education, promoting and increasing the level of confidence, motivation and qualification of teachers who are dedicated to the teaching computer science and promoting the quality of computer teaching, making it attractive to graduates in computer science and related fields.SDG:

TaC - Together against Cybercrime/ Youth IGF Movement
.PT joined the TaC - Together against Cybercrime project, a non-profit organization working on cybercrime/cybersecurity and online youth protection. TaC is also actively involved in issues related to internet governance through the Youth IGF Movement.
The Youth IGF Movement is another initiative that has the support of the .PT. It is a global multistakeholder movement that allows young people between the ages of 15 and 35 to discuss Internet Governance issues in local, national or regional debates.
Cybersecurity skills report available here

Cybersecurity skills report available here

Carta Portuguesa para a Diversidade: "Engenheiras por um dia"
.PT is one of the signatory entities of the Carta Portuguesa para a Diversidade and, in this context, supports the project "Engenheiras por um dia". An initiative of the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, promotes, among students of non-higher education, the option for engineering and technologies, deconstructing the idea that these are male domains. The project is coordinated by the Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género, Carta da Diversidade (APPDI), Instituto Superior Técnico and Ordem dos Engenheiros.SDG:

International Collegiate Programming Contest
The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college students. Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve the most real-world problems, fostering collaboration, creativity, innovation, and the ability to perform under pressure. Through training and competition, teams challenge each other to raise the bar on the possible. Quite simply, it is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world. The world finals of the competition took place in Porto, from March 31 to April 5, 2019, and the .PT was one of the partners.SDG:

.PT supports PAPTICe, an initiative of ANPRI - National Association of Computer Science Teachers, which aims to recognize the work developed in professional education, valuing the excellence, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship evidenced by the students in their PAP projects, in the areas of Computing, Multimedia, Electronics and Automation.SDG:

Dress for Success
The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.


Game of Professions for Equality
In recent decades, there have been many efforts to promote behavioral change in relation to attitudes, norms and social models based on gender stereotypes about alleged role characteristics of men and women, which continue to justify inequalities.
The Game of Professions for Equality arises from the need to, early on, deconstruct these prejudices and demonstrate that there are no professions only for men or only for women. This initiative brought together several entities that, jointly and voluntarily, started a project - with a first game - that aims to provide simple, interactive, inclusive and educational games, in addition to content and information on these themes, available to the entire educational community and families.

The Children and Adolescents Online (CriA.On) is a platform that aims to encourage dialogue with families and with professionals in education, health and welfare, lawyers and all those who accompany children and families in their areas of work.
The Children and Adolescents Online (CriA.On) is a platform that aims to encourage dialogue with families and with professionals in education, health and welfare, lawyers and all those who accompany children and families in their areas of work.
CriA.On has a 'Journal' section dedicated to texts, videos and podcasts published by researchers on national and international themes and studies. There is also space for a section with practical resources for families and professionals, such as activities to do with young people or suggestions for reading and training.
The creation of the platform was supported by .PT, ICNOVA, CICS.NOVA, the National Commission for the Promotion of Rights and Protection of Children and Young People, the Safe Internet Centre and DECO.


Informal Group on Media Literacy (GILM)
The Informal Group on Media Literacy (GILM) is an informal network of partners who have decided to come together to debate, collaborate and articulate ways of promoting media education and media literacy in Portugal, and in this way contribute to strengthening both in terms of public policies.