.pt is partner of the national program ComércioDigital.pt

.pt is partner of the national program ComércioDigital.pt
ACEPI-Digital Economy Association presented yesterday, in Viana do Castelo, the national program ComércioDigital.pt, an initiative in partnership with the CCP- Confederation of Commerce and Services of Portugal and the DNS.PT Association.
ComércioDigital.pt - Qualify the Commerce and Services for the Digital Economy has as its objective the modernization and training of more than 50,000 SMEs, in the adoption of an effective and consequent presence on the Internet and support in the use and acquisition of digital marketing tools, for a sustainable and globalized growth of their businesses.
One of the initiatives planned under this program, which involves the .pt, is the 3em1 Comércio (website development tool, e-mail and .pt domain, free for one year), aimed at microenterprises and SMEs, particularly of the commerce of proximity (commerce and services), which do not yet have their website.