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.PT is an institutional partner of the Portugal Digital Week'19

.PT is an institutional partner of the Portugal Digital Week'19
This was the week of the Portugal Digital Week, an ACEPI initiative that has .PT as its institutional partner. Several initiatives took place during the week, in which .PT was involved: Portugal Digital Summit, Navegantes XXI Awards, Germany-Portugal eCommerce Roundtable and "Digital Economy in Portugal 2009-2025" study.

The Portugal Digital Summit took place on October 22 and 23, at the Carlos Lopes Pavilion, and at the opening session Luisa Gueifão spoke about the .PT activity. The .PT was also present with a stand in the exhibition area, in partnership with EURid, where it announced the .pt and the 3in1 initiative, the latter through the 3in1 registrars who agreed to be present at our booth. Thank you to AMEN, Dominios.pt, Iberweb, Online.pt, PTisp, PTServidor and WebHS for accepting our invitation.

On the second day of the event, .PT organized a session about "Internet Governance & Regulation”, which had Giovanni Seppia (EURid), Demi Getschko (NIC.BR), Jörg Schweiger (DENIC), Andrea Beccalli (ICANN) and Antonio Gameiro Marques (National Security Authority) as speakers and Marta Moreira Dias (.PT and LusNIC) as moderator. Also on the same day Luisa Gueifão, president of .PT, participated in the panel "Digital Skills for the Future” and the LusNIC General Assembly took place.

On October 24th the winners of the ACEPI Navegantes XXI 2019 awards were announced and .PT supported 3 categories:
Best Website .pt: www.laredoute.pt
Best School Site/Sitestar.pt: www.ensinointegradodamusica.pt, Casa Pia de Lisboa
Best App for Good: Color You, Instituto dos Pupilos do Exército

Also within the scope of Portugal Digital Week, it was presented the "Digital Economy in Portugal 2009-2025" study, which has data related to .pt. Some conclusions: the vast majority of companies surveyed have a .pt domain (80%); Regarding the reasons behind this choice, respondents state that .pt allows the product/service to be identified as Portuguese and gives credibility.