.pt celebrates 30 years

.pt celebrates 30 years
To celebrate the 30 years of .pt, we organized the conference "The Internet is a Strange Place", which took place on November 29 at the Jerónimo Martins Auditorium, Nova SBE, Carcavelos.
The conference consisted of three battles, moderated by Rui Unas. We have been joined by journalists, bloggers, chefs, broadcasters, comedians, etc., to give us a different perspective on what is (or should be) the use of the internet, which makes it a strange place.
Pedro Boucherie Mendes discussed the topic with Ana Garcia Martins, author of the blog A Pipoca Mais Doce. Chef Justa Nobre made a pair with Maria João Clavel, from Clavel's Kitchen blog. Nuno Markl was face-to-face with Mafalda Sampaio, from the blog A Maria Vaidosa.
Luisa Gueifão, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the DNS.PT Association, opened the conference and talked about the .pt and the evolution of the internet.
O .pt escolheu um ambiente jovem, dinâmico, progressista e do meio académico, a Nova SBE, para acolher este evento. Pretendia, assim, chamar a comunidade internet nacional a participar: academia, sociedade civil, empresas, representantes de organismos públicos e privados.
The .pt chose a young, dynamic, progressive and academic environment, Nova SBE, to host this event. It aimed, therefore, to call the national internet community to participate: academy, civil society, companies, and
This was also a further contribution to the promotion of digital skills at national level. We are more inclusive, we are more .pt!
Photos are available here
Photographic credits: Neusa Ayres
The video is available here
Credits: Observador