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.PT at Portugal Digital Summit

.PT at Portugal Digital Summit

.PT at Portugal Digital Summit
.PT at Portugal Digital Summit

On October10 and 11, Portugal Digital Summit took place at MEO Arena. At the openingsession, Luisa Gueifão welcomed and talked about the .PT activity.

The secondday of the event featured the panel "Domains, hosting and data protection:the challenges of the new European framework for privacy and data treatment anddigital presence," Luisa Gueifão was one of the panel speakers.

DNS.PT wasalso present with a stand in the exhibition area, where it showed the .PT, the CONFIOstamp and the 3em1 initiative, through the 3em1 registrars who accepted to bepresent at our stand. Thank you to AMEN, Dominios.pt, Ptisp, PTServidor andWebHS for accepting our invitation.

DNS.PT isan institutional sponsor and co-organizer of the Portugal Digital Week, whichintegrates the Digital Economy Study in Portugal, with dataon .pt domains, the Portugal Digital Roadshow at universities throughout thecountry, the Portugal Digital Summit, the Navegantes XXI Awards, which this yearhad 3 categories supported by the DNS.PT, and the Shopping Day on the Internet.