More than a thousand domains registered under .pt in a single day after the entry into force of the new Registration Rules
More than a thousand domains registered under .pt in a single day after the entry into force of the new Registration Rules
On Tuesday, the .PT reached a total of 1,034 domains registered under .pt in a single day, after the entry into force of the new .pt Terms & Conditions (Registration Rules). It is the largest number of registrations in one day since the liberalization of the .pt domain, in 2012.
The new Rules came into force on Tuesday and some of the changes adopted, such as the new conditions for two-character domains, which become the same as those for the registration of the remaining domain names, turn the registration of domains under .pt even more accessible, which helps explain the performance above a thousand registrations in just 24 hours.
Among the most relevant changes are the elimination of classifiers, such as and, making it only possible to register new domain names under .pt, and .gov. pt; the possible removal of domains that host illegal or qualified content that fits the concept of DNS Abuse - malware, phishing, pharming, botnets and/or spam dissemination activities, following notification from the competent authority; the prohibition on registering domains using words or expressions contrary to the law; and an agile and automated mechanism for the monitoring of registered domain names.
For the first time in the history of the .pt domain, the entire revision of the Terms & Conditions (Registration Rules) was based on a collaborative, open and participatory work, which allowed for discussion and involvement between partners and stakeholders. The new .pt Registration Rules were submitted to public comment and all suggestions made to .PT and their responses were published.
Click here to check the new .pt Terms & Conditions (Registration Rules).
The new Rules came into force on Tuesday and some of the changes adopted, such as the new conditions for two-character domains, which become the same as those for the registration of the remaining domain names, turn the registration of domains under .pt even more accessible, which helps explain the performance above a thousand registrations in just 24 hours.
Among the most relevant changes are the elimination of classifiers, such as and, making it only possible to register new domain names under .pt, and .gov. pt; the possible removal of domains that host illegal or qualified content that fits the concept of DNS Abuse - malware, phishing, pharming, botnets and/or spam dissemination activities, following notification from the competent authority; the prohibition on registering domains using words or expressions contrary to the law; and an agile and automated mechanism for the monitoring of registered domain names.
For the first time in the history of the .pt domain, the entire revision of the Terms & Conditions (Registration Rules) was based on a collaborative, open and participatory work, which allowed for discussion and involvement between partners and stakeholders. The new .pt Registration Rules were submitted to public comment and all suggestions made to .PT and their responses were published.
Click here to check the new .pt Terms & Conditions (Registration Rules).