DNS.pt rated positively by customers and partners
DNS.pt conducted a study toevaluate the satisfaction of its customers and partners. The results showedthat the evaluation of the DNS.pt and the service it provides is generallyquite positive.
The universe of the studycomprised end users (registrants) and registrars and 947 interviews wereconducted, between 27 November and 23 December 2014. DNS.pt asked them to scoreeach question on a scale of 1 to 10, according to the following main topics: DNS.ptimage, satisfaction with the DNS.pt service, contact with DNS.pt, DNS.ptwebsite and DNS.pt communication.
In a more transversal analysisof the results, the registrars are the ones that best evaluate the DNS.pt, highlightingaspects such as overall satisfaction with the service, quality of service,technical support, support in answering questions and meeting deadlines.
DNS.pt gives high importance tothe opinion of its customers and partners and will take into account theirviews and suggestions in order to further improve the service it provides.