ComercioDigital.pt travels around the country to show small businesses the advantages of having an online presence

ComercioDigital.pt travels around the country to show small businesses the advantages of having an online presence
It was officially launched on February 6, in Leiria, the Roadshow of the Program ComercioDigital.pt - Qualify the Trade and Services for the Digital Economy. Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister of Economy of Portugal, presided over the Opening Session. This was the first session of 150 planned of a roadshow that will cover Continental Portugal.
ComércioDigital.pt is a joint initiative of ACEPI, the Confederation of Commerce and Services of Portugal and .PT, which has the support of the Ministry of Economy and aims to promote the first online presence of 50.000 Portuguese companies of commerce and services. One of the initiatives under this program, which involves the .PT, is the 3em1 Comércio (a website development tool, e-mails and a .pt domain, all free for one year), aimed at microenterprises and SMEs that does not yet have a website.
Learn more at www.comerciodigital.pt