CENTR is proud to announce the launch of the call for nominations for the 2015 edition of the CENTR Awards
CENTR is proud to announce the launch of the call for nominations for the 2015 edition of the CENTR Awards
The goals of the CENTR Awards, which are opento all full and associate CENTR members, are to focus on the positive aspectsof our industry, to show recognition for innovation, to encourage sharing ofbest practices, and to provide an opportunity to challenge and motivateemployees and project leaders.
Here are the five categories to which you cannominate a person or a project:
Security Award
Research and Development Award
Contributor of the Year Award
Marketing Award
Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) Award
This year’s Jury Members include CarolinaAguerre, General Manager of LACTLD (Chair of the Jury); Leonid Todorov,General Manager of APTLD; Barrack Otieno, Administrative Manager ofAfTLD; Cristina Monti, International Relations Officer at the EuropeanCommission; Kurtis Erik Lindqvist, CEO of Netnod; Bertrand de LaChapelle, Director of the Internet & Juridisdiction Project; WolfgangKleinwächter, ICANN Board Member and Professor for InternationalCommunication Policy and Regulation at the University of Aarhus, Denmark; and KimDavies, Director of Technical Services, IANA.
The CENTR Awards ceremony will take place on 7October 2015, on the same day as the Open Day preceding the CENTR 54thGeneral Assembly.
The 2015 CENTR Awards TaskForce
Peter Vergote
Marta Moreira Dias
Daniela Medda
Laura Hutchison
Peter Van Roste
Linda Verhaegen
Alexandrine Gauvin
More information at https://centr.org/awards2015