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2nd Lusophone Internet Governance Forum held in Cape Verde with the support of .PT

2nd Lusophone Internet Governance Forum held in Cape Verde with the support of .PT
The 2nd Lusophone Internet Governance Forum, organized by .PT, LusNIC, ANACOM, CIG.br, NiC.br, INTIC, ICANN, FCT and ARME, took place on September 11 and 12 in Cape Verde. The three main topics up for debate at this edition were: artificial intelligence and the Portuguese language; digital inclusion, sustainability and emerging technologies; and the global Internet governance ecosystem in Portuguese-speaking countries.

.PT took part in the opening session, which was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Olavo Avelino Garcia Correia. Luisa Ribeiro Lopes, president of .PT, highlighted the importance of the Portuguese language as a strategic asset in the digital world, reinforcing the need to cooperate and join forces between Portuguese-speaking countries.

The panel "Internet access and digital inclusion in Portuguese-speaking countries”, moderated by Marta Moreira Dias from the .PT Board of Directors, discussed the strategies and initiatives that Portuguese-speaking countries have adopted to reduce digital inequalities and promote Internet access for all. 

The panel "Cooperation and collaboration between Portuguese-speaking countries in Internet governance forums” was moderated by Andreia de Brito from .PT.

The next edition of the Lusophone Internet Governance Forum will take place in Mozambique, at the invitation of INTIC.

Also in Cape Verde, on the morning of September 10, .PT took part in the 6th LusNIC General Assembly. During the meeting, crucial points for the future of LusNIC were discussed, reinforcing collaboration and cooperation between Portuguese-speaking countries.

On the same day, in the afternoon, .PT Security Operations Center shared its experience on the importance of cybersecurity in the context of ccTLD’s, in the training on "Cybersecurity and Lusophony: the challenges and opportunities that unite us”, which had a full auditorium and more than 70 online participants.