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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet

100 requested domains for .GW domain names…

100 requested domains for .GW domain names…

100 requested domains for .GW domain names…
100 requested domains for .GW domain names…

... and there arealready eight registrars investing in the trusted brand of Guinea Bissau

The DNS.PT recently assumed the responsibilityfor supporting the Guinean registry - ARN - concerning the Guinea Bissau ccTLD (.GW) management.

Since its launch in November 2014, there werearound 100 requested domains under .GW and there are already eight registrarsinvesting in the trusted brand of Guinea Bissau: Amenworld, AlmourolTec,Claranet Soho (dominios.pt), Lexsenergy Limited, Webtuga, Sampling Line,SafeBrands, Ingenit GmbH and Co. KG (123domain.eu).

To register a domain.GW just submit the request in www.nic.gwor through one of the registrars listed above.