- Whereas there are no technical, administrative or legal grounds for maintaining the provisions of sub-paragraph a) of article 11 of the .pt Domain Name Registration Rules with Legal Deposit No. 340473/12, which imposed a limit of a minimum of three characters for registering domain names, that provision was reviewed in order for domain names registered under .pt to be accepted with a minimum of two characters;
- Whereas this amendment to the terms of the aforementioned regulation is reflected in the .pt Domain Name Registration Rules with Legal Deposit No. 37664/14;
- Whereas the Rules identified in the previous paragraph came into force on 16th June 2014, with the deferment foreseen in the transitory rule laid down in their article 44;
- Whereas there is also the historic argument that domains with two characters have already been accepted under the .pt CCTLD without that having any negative impact on the operation of the DNS;
- Whereas the term of article 11 of the .pt Domain Name Registration Rules with Legal Deposit No. 30473/12, which limits the minimum number of characters accepted for the purpose of registering a .pt domain to 3 characters instead of 2, expires on 31st October 2014.
- Whereas it is assumed that as from that date it will be possible to register domains with 2 characters directly under .pt;
- Whereas it was necessary to make adjustments to the technical platform that supports domain registration in order to prepare it for registering domain names with the said characteristics, thereby ensuring at the same time high levels of resilience, security and service quality;
- Whereas domain names with two characters have a considerably limited range from the outset as there is a set of combinations whose registration is, à priori, forbidden, as is the case of the names coinciding with existing top-level domains, with regard to the CCTLDs (Country Code Top Level Domain);
- Whereas finally especially appealing names might be at stake and, as such, may generate competition whose impact requires caution;
- Whereas the success of the experience of other counterparts and of ICANN itself in the selection process of registries for some of the new gTLDs;
- DNS.PT believed it should defer the possibility of registering domains with two characters until the third November next, planning two distinct phases for this purpose, which include an auction through the platform available at, which will be subject to the terms and conditions provided for in the following articles: