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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet

Domain Prices

The price of registering and maintaining domain names is as follows:

As of March 1, 2025, the price of registering and maintaining domain names will be as follows:

- VAT at the legal rate is added to these amounts (according to national and to EU regulation);
- Changes made by the .PT: whenever changes to the information on the domain's file are carried out by the .PT, the unit value of those changes will be €24.00+VAT. As of March 1, 2025, the unit price will be €25.00 + VAT;
- In the case of registrations made via Registrars, or changes to domains managed by such entities, payments to .PT are due from them. The amount billed by .PT to registrars is €9.15+VAT/domain name per year or for each change. As of March 1, 2025, the amount billed by .PT to registrars will be €9.40 +VAT/domain name per year or for each change.