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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet


The CPLP Charter of Rights and Principles in Digital Environments
The CPLP Charter of Rights and Principles in Digital Environments
On July 19, 2024, the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) Charter of Rights and Principles in Digital Environments was signed in São Tomé. This document, which is declaratory and non-binding, is a necessity. On the one hand, it reaffirms Member States' commitment to implement declarations made in the past and, on the other hand, it validates their commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals....
Second Report on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation
Second Report on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation
Portugal is highlighted in the Report as one of the Member States where people are most familiar with the national supervisory authority for data protection (Portuguese Data Protection Authority)....
What to do in case of Ransomware?
What to do in case of Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware (such as virus, trojans, etc.) that infects and manipulates users' computer systems so that they are unable to use some or all the data stored....
EuroDIG 2024: Balancing Innovation and Regulation
EuroDIG 2024: Balancing Innovation and Regulation
It is noteworthy that in this edition, .PT financially supported the travel and accommodation of a young computer engineering student from IST, who actively participated in the event along with the YouthDIG community....
ICANN80 Policy Forum...We were there!
ICANN80 Policy Forum...We were there!
From June 10 to 13, Kigali hosted the 80th edition of the Policy Forum, which included 109 sessions, 1581 participants (957 in person and 624 online), representing 123 countries/territories....
Online Company 2.0: Innovations in Online Company Formation
Online Company 2.0: Innovations in Online Company Formation
Online Company 2.0 allows for reducing bureaucracy and simplifying the process of creating companies....
Netmundial: 10 Years Later
Netmundial: 10 Years Later
The document resulting from Netmundial+10 identifies principles and maps out a potential guide for what internet and digital governance could or should be, and should be seen as a possible path to follow for the processes being conducted by the United Nations in the context of the GDC and WSIS+20. It was another example of the multistakeholder model at work....
World Design Day
World Design Day
Today, April 27th, we celebrate the World Design Day by sharing a personal reflection on the importance of including accessibility and equality in design as mandatory criteria in the creative process. I will also try to convey my personal experience at the “Multimodal solutions to foster accessibility in digital products and services” workshop by DIGITALEUROPE....
Interoperable Europe Act
Interoperable Europe Act
The project involves the creation of the "European Interoperable Portal", a one-stop shop to encourage the sharing and reuse of reliable, high-quality interoperability solutions between the various public administrations, as well as reinforced mechanisms to support innovation and policy development, including training and regulatory test environments to develop, test and extend solutions. ...
THE 17!
THE 17!
Now imagine sharing a house with these 16! There are days when they realise that we're going backwards and our spirits are only calmed by repeating one of our great pledges: "We will leave no one behind, We will leave no one behind" - believe me, it helps after 10 times....
Data Act
Data Act
The Data Act now establishes that connected products (IoT), as well as the provision of their related services, must be designed, manufactured and provided in such a way that data relating to that product and/or service is accessible, by default and in an easy, secure and free way to the user, who can share this same data with third parties....
World Consumer Rights Day
World Consumer Rights Day
Being a more informed consumer is becoming more and more important, online shopping is where we are most exposed and vulnerable and therefore requires our utmost attention so that we don't fall victim to fraudulent sales and cyber-attacks, which can jeopardise the privacy of our data. It's important to check that the website is credible, that the organisation is identified, that it has Terms and Conditions, return policies and mechanisms for mediation and out-of-court arbitration of conflicts....
Is anybody there?
Is anybody there?
Hello?? Listen!! Hmm…I don't think anyone is listening… this universe is so big, and my closest neighbor Mercury is always talking to the Sun and doesn't have time for me....
Yesterday, January 28, 2024, Data Protection Day was celebrated, established by the Council of Europe in reference to the date of signing of the first international legal instrument on data protection, Convention 108 of the Council of Europe, which took place on January 28, 1981...
Long Live AI
The next big challenge for AI could be the data quality processing and the ability of companies to develop AI models with longevity and flexibility....
Buy online with security and trust
Buy online with security and trust
By being aware of your rights and the precautions you need to take, you will be better prepared to shop online with confidence and security. Take advantage of the convenience offered by online shopping, but always be careful to protect your personal and financial information....
Rolling the dice for the future
Rolling the dice for the future
This is the key for Portugal to position itself, with clarity and strategic thinking, at the heart of this objective that should belong to all Europeans. This will ensure that we help define a path of greater opportunities and gains for all. In this way, we ensure that we are, in the way that best defends our interests, laying the foundations for the future we want....
The role of Zero Trust in the future of cybersecurity
The role of Zero Trust in the future of cybersecurity
The implementation of Zero Trust will be absolutely critical in the coming years for organizations to ensure that they can mitigate the severe impacts of cyberattacks....
Portugal's connections with Europe
Portugal's connections with Europe
Our participation in CENTR is fundamental as it allows us to be at the forefront of best practices in domain registration and management, benefiting all .pt Registrants, Registrars, and partners....
Cybersecurity is common sense!
Cybersecurity is common sense!
If 2022 was the year of "Stolen house, locked doors", 2023 and the following years will have to be about "Prevention is better than cure"....
I've just arrived at .PT: excited about this new challenge as Key Account Manager
I've just arrived at .PT: excited about this new challenge as Key Account Manager
We have reinforced the Business Service team, with a Key Account Manager profile, which assumes commitments that it will seek to deepen, through a close relationship, with the aim of creating a solid foundation for this collaboration, through an approach focused on four main dimensions...
We'll stay connected!
We'll stay connected!
And in the end, what remains? Above all the friendships, the times well spent, the knowledge acquired and the systems well managed. ...
The European Commission's Web 4.0 and metaverse strategy
The European Commission's Web 4.0 and metaverse strategy
This new generation will enable integration between digital and real objects and environments, and enhanced interactions between humans and machines, so the EC's goal is to enable open, interoperable and innovative virtual worlds that can be used safely and with confidence by all. This new strategy also aims to accelerate the European Union's (EU) technological transition and to leverage EU leadership in virtual worlds....
Digital at the UN
Digital at the UN
EuroDIG 2023 offers a unique opportunity for the EuroDIG multi-stakeholder community to discuss and reflect on the impact that two key UN processes (GDC and WSIS+20) will have on digital transformation...
Global Digital Compact: as another framework for the achievement of the 17 SDGs
Global Digital Compact: as another framework for the achievement of the 17 SDGs
On 5 June, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, will present the UN Secretary-General's Policy Brief on the Global Digital Compact - an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All....
International Human Resources Day
International Human Resources Day
In this sense, the greatest value that any organisation can have is in its people. They are the true leader, they are the ones who "wear the jersey" and foster the values and philosophy by which an organisation is governed. As such, it is essential to create cultural foundations that link these same people to the organisational culture and business objectives....
.PT, the “language” of Portugal on the internet
.PT, the “language” of Portugal on the internet
Today is the World Portuguese Language Day, having been celebrated for the first time in 2020, after consecration by UNESCO in November 2019. .PT is associated with Portuguese culture and language....
From navigators to hackers
From navigators to hackers
Taking the example of the theft of a car vs the illegal viewing of a football match, how many of us know a car thief? Exactly...none. And pirates who illegally access audiovisual content? Right... The idea to retain should be that it is not because it is not aimed at a tangible good or that it is a matter of large organisations that it is less criminal, or because it is a victimless crime as it is commonly said, which is not even true, there are thousands of people who live from audiovisual production, this assimilation of principle comes from the base, it comes from digital education. ...
Portuguese Internet gets a new home
Portuguese Internet gets a new home
The new facilities of the association that manages the .pt domain are sustainable, modern, and open to society, creating new dynamics in the digital ecosystem in Portugal....
NIS and NIS2: what will change. Cybersecurity in the sights of the EU legislator
NIS and NIS2: what will change. Cybersecurity in the sights of the EU legislator
We start by identifying where both directives intersect, understanding the rationale behind the process which presided over the revision of the NIS, and which resulted in the publication of the NIS 2. Let us now look at those which are the most striking changes between both diplomas, especially under the lens of the .pt top level domain name registry....
Business without a website is like tennis without a racket!
Business without a website is like tennis without a racket!
Under the slogan “Business without a website is like tennis without a racket!”, we have launched a campaign on our digital channels and on the media partners of the event, radio (RFM, Rádio Renascença and Mega Hits) and television (TVI/CNN Portugal)...
The importance and the role of a domain for SEO
The importance and the role of a domain for SEO
Domains have a very significant impact on SEO, being one of the key factors of any project on the internet. Therefore, to register or buy a domain, there are some factors to take into account, among which I highlight the domain extension chosen....
The home of the portuguese internet
The home of the portuguese internet
Have you noticed that most of the sites you consult in Portugal end in .pt? And have you ever wondered why this is and why so many websites use this domain?...
Modern-day Tuaregs
Modern-day Tuaregs
That's why today we can say that our desk is the globe, the virtual village that is the world has become even closer, a digital ecosystem has been created that has changed our way of seeing the working world and organisations, and all this change is based on a relationship of trust between the organisation and the employee. Greater freedom entails greater responsibility and a mature respect for work, the mantra to retain is that greater freedom entails exactly the same proportion greater responsibilities....
Trying to be brief, and not falling into the temptation of being repetitive, we will not list again the topics which were brought to discussion at this 17th edition of the Internet Governance Forum, IGF, since they were precisely those we addressed in our national initiative, which took place last November 3rd and whose messages were prepared, made available at www.governacaointernet.pt, and later distributed in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia and headquarters of the African Union....
Let's go Portugal! We count with your domain under .pt
Let's go Portugal! We count with your domain under .pt
.PT is running a campaign to support the National Team at Lisbon, Porto and Faro airports (departures), and at the ATM network of mainland Portugal and islands, during the 2022 World Cup. ...
The Portuguese language and Internet governance
The Portuguese language and Internet governance
This is a role of Internet governance and its results can be enhanced through a joint action between the countries that officially adopt the Portuguese language. We need to broaden the debate on the impacts of the Internet on Portuguese speakers and the possible positive effects of a unified and collaborative action....
Digital literacy and its impact on digital ethics
Digital literacy and its impact on digital ethics
When we think of emerging technologies and their use, it is common to refer to data ethics and AI ethics. However, it is extremely important to talk about digital literacy and the importance of acquiring digital skills to deal with an increasingly technological society....
The new CONFIO platform is now available! More agile, robust and secure brings a novelty!...
Green, the colour of fashion
Green, the colour of fashion
This European and national framework already seems to be promoting some changes, starting with the advertisements we (necessarily) see promoting cars with a more sustainable performance, detergents with biodegradable ingredients, furniture with a circular life, recycled and second-hand clothes, etc. There are many corporate websites with policies of environmental responsibility and reports on the success of the measures adopted to ensure compliance with the duties of diligence in matters of environmental protection....
Agarrados à Net
Agarrados à Net
In the project Agarrados à Net, this is what we do: we help parents and educators to better manage the time that children and young people spend in front of screens, so that these are no longer reasons for tantrums, shouting, screaming and conflicts....
Can we still say that this is the "silly season"?
Can we still say that this is the "silly season"?
At .PT we keep up the pace as usual... At the beginning of July we launched the 5th edition of PTSOC News, where you can find out more about passkeys and the next evolution of passwords, we participated as a jury in the Apps for Good Regional Meetings, and we took part in the Switch to Innovation Summit, which brought together more than 60 speakers and projects to debate the challenges of social innovation and digital inclusion. ...
Rampa Digital is launched
Rampa Digital is launched
A .PT initiative, with the support of Google.Org, which integrates a set of actions with the aim of helping to accelerate economic recovery through technology, digital tools and free training/mentoring ...
"DNS versus Blockchain versus DNS"
"DNS versus Blockchain versus DNS"
Not only Blockchain can help DNS, but DNS can help Blockchain as well...
Cybersecurity should not be taken lightly
Cybersecurity should not be taken lightly
There is a doctrinal challenge that must be debated in all its aspects and spaces: the implementation of technologies and procedures related to cybersecurity takes time and requires a lot of effort. We must be aware that the trend is clear as regards the increase in threats in the coming years....
Barra Barra (//) the home of the “Portuguese” internet
Barra Barra (//) the home of the “Portuguese” internet
These days, the “Portuguese” internet home has opened its doors: .PT, which is responsible for registering and maintaining domain names (internet addresses) under the two-letter code that identifies Portugal on the Internet, .pt, has its own headquarters that will soon be officially baptized or inaugurated....
1,500,000 registrations under .pt
1,500,000 registrations under .pt
Less than 4 years later, here we are celebrating the registration of the 1.5 million domain, after a year of 2021 in which we grew more than in previous years and put us on the first place of the podium of the fastest growing domains in Europe....
The Cyberspace we live in
The Cyberspace we live in
Cyberspace has brought a greater awareness of the right to access information and knowledge, allowing the perception of cyberspace as a new common space - Global Common - joining the existing ones. ...
Computer Security Day
Computer Security Day
In 1971, the highly skilled scientists developing the ARPANET network - the predecessor of the Internet - saw the following message appear on their computers:"I'm the Creeper: catch me if you can". This was the first computer virus in history, which was called the "Creeper"....
Why your business should not rely on social media
Why your business should not rely on social media
If your business relies solely on social media, this "blackout" was a wake-up call. Social media should be important for your company's digital strategy, but a website should be the starting point to boost your ideas and business. Whoever has a brand, must have a "home" for it. And a website should be the "home" of your business....
The power of being online
The power of being online
For those who daily analyze domain names or, as a result of a competence that derives from the law or from an administrative decision, verify online content, the task is inglorious. The protection of legal interests and goods such as security, public order and health, and the trust that we all crave when we go online, can easily collide with other rights enshrined in the Constitution. To know how to enforce them is, indeed, only for some. ...
Talking is how we understand each other
Talking is how we understand each other
The registration of a domain requires the identification of a series of data, the intervention of various entities and the use of various protocols and specific software, which led to a specification of the terms used within this scope. .PT is no stranger to this situation and uses this technical dialect with similar entities, partners and final customers. For the latter, there may be an added difficulty in learning new terms and their meanings, and therefore the existence of glossaries that may help....
Happy birthday CONFIO!
Happy birthday CONFIO!
Today marks 5 years since the birth of the CONFIO trustmark, an initiative that emerged from a partnership between ACEPI, DECO and .PT, with the objective of bringing more trust, transparency, security and best practices in digital commerce, in particular, but also in internet usage in general...
System Administrator Appreciation Day
2021 marks the 22nd System Administrator Appreciation Day, which is intended to recognise the role of system administrators and other IT workers around the world....
Young people are the future…
Young people are the future…
Initiatives such as Sitestar.pt, Apps for Good, NET Viva e Segura, Engenheiras por um dia or ENSICO have the support of .PT and this is our contribution so that our young people have more skills and qualifications, and so they can enjoy what digital has to offer...
8 years of .PT
8 years of .PT
We are still in a pandemic (although it is already easing), we have new people at .PT, we were called to contribute to the digital transition and the digital skills of the Portuguese, we have grown a lot in number of domains and in Confio stamps, we have seen our building, also BARRA BARRA, growing and soon becoming our new physical address, we are more and more recognized in Portugal, in the European Union and in global terms (only this week we shared our experience for Portuguese students, for the European Commission and for ICANN)....
The keys to our digital home
The keys to our digital home
When we set our passwords, we must think that this is the key to our digital home ...
World Graphic Design Day
World Graphic Design Day
What is Graphic Design? It is a creative process that conveys messages and concepts through images and texts that are often used simultaneously depending on the objective. This work in practice materializes in various areas, such as corporate identity (branding, logos), editorial design (books, magazines, newspapers), packaging design, signage and web design....
Industrial property in the domain of domains
Industrial property in the domain of domains
Today, as we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day, which marks the importance of protecting copyright and industrial property rights around the world, we will look at some so-called good practices, recently issued by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), regarding the registration and use of domain names that hypothetically infringe industrial property rights. We will also see how this same issue is dealt with in the framework of the .pt registry....
Our “Easter bunnies”
Our “Easter bunnies”
.PT supports institutions that guide its activity towards the defense and protection of abandoned animals. This is also a commitment that goes beyond what is our mission, it is a commitment to human values...
Arquivo.pt Memorial
Arquivo.pt Memorial
There is a vast number of websites that for many reasons stop being updated, both in terms of content and the software platforms that support them. As there are no resources allocated to update them, and as it is difficult to make the decision to turn them off because they provide important information, over time these websites raise problems due to security vulnerabilities and imply a permanent cost derived from the energy consumption of the machines that support them...
Dia Mundial dos Direitos do Consumidor
Dia Mundial dos Direitos do Consumidor
Na ausência de um conceito uniforme de consumidor, é seguro assumir que, verdadeiramente, consumidores somos todos nós! Todos os que, no mundo físico ou virtual, consumimos bens e serviços para fins não profissionais...
Hoje é Dia Internacional das Mulheres
Hoje é Dia Internacional das Mulheres
É um dia para relembrar que os direitos das mulheres são direitos humanos. Num ano tão difícil como aquele que estamos a atravessar, mais do que nunca importa assinalar esta data...
New times, new Rules
New times, new Rules
Two-character domain names have a set of characteristics that make them especially valuable and attractive, beacause, by their nature, they are rare and have a limited spectrum (around 2300 possible combinations in the Latin alphabet), they are easily memorized, easy to type and break language barriers. These characteristics have even led to names like "we.com" or "mi.com", like so many others, being sold for millions of dollars on the domain name market...
.pt Domains vs Companies on the Spot
.pt Domains vs Companies on the Spot
Driven by the pandemic, society had to guarantee and affirm its presence in the digital world, reinventing itself and transferring its business to the internet and e-commerce. This evolution is reflected, naturally, in the growth of .pt domains registration, a trend that is expected to continue in 2021...
New times, new Rules
New times, new Rules
Illegal content and DNS Abuse...
Please note: the articles on this blog may not convey the opinion of .PT, but of its author.