
From today until December 20, you can find the campaign at:
Online shopping at .pt: secure for you, safe for the planet
Today, we are launching a new .PT campaign about online shopping, at a time, we all know, that it is very conducive to shopping as the Christmas season approaches. According to a study released at the beginning of the year, "the risk of fraud has affected the behavior of Portuguese consumers, with 28% indicating that feel more insecure when shopping today compared to ten years ago”.
"Online shopping at .pt: secure for you, safe for the planet” is the motto of this campaign, which aims to emphasize the message that buying from .pt sites is a guarantee of trust and security. .PT has a Security Operations Center, PTSOC, which contributes to the preservation of a secure cyberspace under .pt, and is one of the promoters of the CONFIO trustmark, together with ACEPI and DECO, which is a certification of websites to ensure that they comply with the best practices of the digital market.
Together with trust and security is a commitment to sustainability. That is why in this campaign we combine three fundamental pillars of .PT: security + trust + sustainability.

From today until December 20, you can find the campaign at:
- .PT digital channels (websites, social media)
- Google Ads/Display Ads
- Digital billboards in commercial spaces throughout the country
- Press sites
Be aware and if you see our campaign, share it!
Note: this initiative is part of the Bilateral Relations Fund (EEA Grants), which is funding a .PT campaign aimed at highlighting the importance of sustainability and cybersecurity for the growth of a ccTLD and, consequently, for companies and the country.
Please note: the articles on this blog may not convey the opinion of .PT, but of its author.
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