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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet


Joana Pena
.PT Treasury and Finance Specialist
Online shopping
In this new context of pandemic, and the consequent confinement of the Portuguese people and almost half of the world, the internet has become an essential ally in the management of daily life and, in particular, in the acquisition of goods and services.

It is known that the domain name registration under .pt has grown, as companies saw in the digital world the best way to remain active, to innovate and, even, to create a business opportunity.

In a virtual world, where there are no faces and no physical space, how do you build trust between those who sell and those who buy?

Since 2017, the Confio trustmark has accredited e-commerce websites, carrying out a prior audit to ensure that they are in accordance with the law and best practices in e-commerce.

If in this way the seller shows that he provides an excellent service, so also the customer/consumer has that perception when he knows that he is buying in a certified website that, even if he does not see the seller, knows that his rights are safeguarded.

There is still a long way to go, but there is a growing awareness of the need to gain customer/consumer trust in the digital world. To support Portuguese companies and consumers, a campaign was launched at the end of March, in full confinement, to offer the adhesion and concession of the Confio trustmark, which, until the end of June, resulted in a total of 67 adhesions and 22 stamps.
The campaign continues until September 30!

Buy online, buy with trust!

Please note: the articles on this blog may not convey the opinion of .PT, but of its author.
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