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Sandra Costa
.PT Executive and Office Management Assistant
Once upon a time there was Mental Health...
We were at the beginning of a new era, in 2020 the world would inevitably change, we were distracted and busy with our pleasurable routines and we hadn't asked for or prepared so many changes at the same time.

All focuses of attention were now directed to health, to the fear of being without it or to be without someone close, in the uncertainty of how long and how to control something that behaves in an unknown way.

We were forced to repress this fear in order to move forward, we were adaptive and resilient, and each faced the unknown with the resources we had.

Some in a paranoid way with hygiene and isolation, others with excessive relaxation, some worked to forget, others forgot what it was like to work due to the expected economic crisis.

And in this work context, many went in an orderly way to discover what the home working was, a complex management of professional/personal/social life, well received by some and lacking in essence for others, but unquestionably necessary at the time.

Then, an important movement began to appear, it may even have gone unnoticed, but mental health was always at stake, the conditions for the demotivation, anxiety and lack of sense of belonging were met, leaving the mental health impaired in this process.

This new era was difficult, complex and exhausting, but only at these times does space open up to see life from another perspective, technology proved to be the point in favor and offered the best it had, being the vehicle of communication between humans, filling this basic need of being.

We all left with a mark of this pandemic, and as Freud used to say, "Unexpressed emotions will never die.”, so let's try not to be made of iron.

Please note: the articles on this blog may not convey the opinion of .PT, but of its author.
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