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We are the flag of Portugal on the internet


ACEPI  - Digital Economy Association is a Portuguese organization that promotes the development and use of the digital economy in Portugal, encouraging the digital transformation of companies and the adoption of emerging technologies.
ANACOM - National Communications Authority is the national regulatory authority in the field of communications, for the purposes of European Union law and national legislation.
APDC - Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications is an organization that promotes the development and modernization of communications and information technologies in Portugal, facilitating dialogue between companies, government and society.

ARBITRARE is an arbitration centre specialised in the out-of-court settlement of disputes related to industrial property, domain names, firms and denominations, promoting quick and effective solutions out of court.
The Country Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) is a body within the ICANN structure created for and by ccTLD managers. ccNSO provides a forum for country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) managers to meet and discuss topical issues of concern to ccTLD's from a global perspective. ccNSO provides a platform to nurture consensus, technical cooperation and skill building among ccTLD's and facilitates the development of voluntary best practices for ccTLD managers. It is also responsible for developing and recommending global policies to the ICANN Board for a limited set of issues relating to ccTLD's, such as the introduction of Internationalised Domain Name ccTLDs (IDN ccTLD's).

Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is the top-level domain on the Internet that is generally used or reserved for a country or territory. .pt is the top-level domain corresponding to Portugal, delegated by the IANA – Internet Assigned Numbers Authority on June 30, 1988, (RFC 1032, 1033, 1034 and 1591).
CEGER - Government Computer Network Management Centre is the body responsible for the computer network that serves the Portuguese Government and supports it in information and communications technologies and information systems. CEGER is the entity responsible for managing domain names under gov.pt.

CENTR - Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries is a not-for-profit association that brings together the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registries of the European region. CENTR provides a forum where its members can discuss strategic issues affecting ccTLD registries in their region.

CNCS - National Cybersecurity Centre is the entity responsible for coordinating cybersecurity in Portugal, promoting the protection of critical infrastructures and the resilience of the national cyberspace.

DECO - Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection is an organisation that protects consumer rights in Portugal by offering advice, legal support and promoting information and education campaigns.
DNS - Domain Name System is one of the fundamental tools for the functioning of the Internet, resolving domain names to IP addresses and vice versa.
DNS Abuse
Corresponds to a domain name that supports, intentionally or unintentionally, malware-spreading, phishing, pharming, botnets, and/or spamming activities. 
DNSSEC- Domain Name System Security Extensions is a technology that helps secure domain name searches by embedding a chain of digital signatures into the search process. By using DNSSEC, resolver servers can determine whether responses to queries they receive were generated by authenticated DNS servers. By accepting only authenticated query results, resolver servers can prevent attackers from hijacking the search process and directing Internet users to fraudulent websites.
A domain is an easy-to-remember name that is used to locate and identify computers on the Internet.
EPP - Extensible Provisioning Protocol is a protocol used for electronic communication between a registrar and a registry for the provision (creation, alteration and removal) of domain name registrations.
FCCN is the Scientific Computing Unit of FCT, whose purpose is to contribute to the development of Science, Technology and Knowledge in Portugal.
The Foundation for Science and Technology is the national public agency that supports research in science, technology and innovation in all areas of knowledge. It is a public institute under the tutelage and superintendence of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.
It is the class of top-level domains that includes general-purpose domains such as .com, .net, .edu, and .org. This class also includes domains associated with the New Generic Top-Level Domains Program (New gTLD Program), which includes names such as .futbol, .istanbul, and .pizza, and names in other alphabets and languages. ICANN coordinates the development of the rules and policies governing the registration of domain names in gTLDs.
The name of a device used to identify it when connected to a network or the Internet. Sometimes a hostname is considered to be only the leftmost part of a fully qualified domain name, for example, www.pt.pt, the hostname can be www.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a family of stateless, application-level, request/response protocols that share a generic interface, extensible semantics, and self-describing messages to enable flexible interaction with network-based hypertext information systems.
IANA- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is the entity responsible for a set of Internet coordination functions related to ensuring the assignment of globally unique protocol parameters, including the management of the root of the Domain Name System (DNS) and the Internet Protocol (IP) address space.
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is a global multistakeholder group and nonprofit organization responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces and numerical spaces of the Internet, ensuring the Internet's stable and secure operation. ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet.  
Internationalized Domain Name corresponds to a domain name composed of special characters of the alphabet, namely: á; à; â; ã; ç; é; ê; í; ó; ô; õ and ú. 

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) brings together people from various stakeholder groups in discussions on digital public policy. While it does not produce negotiated outcomes, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. IGF intersessional work culminates in annual meetings, where delegates discuss current and critical issues, share good practices and exchange policy recommendations. The IGF’s resulting outputs are transmitted to global and national decision-making bodies.

INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property is the Portuguese entity responsible for the registration and protection of industrial property rights, such as patents and trademarks, promoting innovation and business competitiveness.

IP address
A numeric value that uniquely identifies a device connected to the Internet. The Internet Protocol (IP) uses IP addresses to route blocks of information to the intended destinations.
Internet Protocol version 4 allows any type of equipment to connect to the Internet individually, acquiring an address composed of 4 groups of up to 3 digits, separated by a period.
Internet Protocol version 6 (also formerly referred to as New Generation IP or IPng) is intended to support the continued growth of the Internet, both in terms of size and functionality, by providing a significantly expanded address space over IPv4 as well as other improvements. For more information on IPv6 DNS service, see the RFC1886 in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1886.
ISP- Internet Service Provider provides internet access to organizations and individuals. In addition to internet access, ISPs often provide services such as web hosting, email, and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
LusNIC - Association of Portuguese Language ccTLD's brings together the entities responsible for the management, registration and maintenance of country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) in Portuguese-speaking countries. 
A server within the Domain Name System that answers questions about a domain name, for example by providing its IP address.
The Nic-Handle is the unique identifier (alphanumeric) of those responsible for the domain name in the .pt domain registration and management system. Whenever a person/entity registers online for the first time, they are assigned a Nic-Handle, which will be duly communicated to them. The Nic-Handle should be used when registering domain names as they save time and help ensure the consistency and accuracy of the information.

It is a universal form of domain representation in ASCII format, regardless of its original encoding.
Natural or legal person who assumes the status of owner of the domain name or mere applicant before validating the compliance of the registration with .PT Terms and Conditions (Registration Rules).  
Entity through which domain names are registered. During the registration process, the registrar verifies that the requested domain name meets the registry requirements and submits the name to the appropriate registry. Registrars are also responsible for collecting the necessary information from registrants and making their data available through WHOIS. After registration, registrants can update their domain settings through their registrars.

Entity responsible for the registration, management and maintenance of domains under a top-level domain (TLD).
Registry Lock Service
Registry Lock is a premium service provided by .PT that provides additional security protection to the data associated with domain names, preventing unauthorized alterations, transfers or removals.   
Registry-Registrar Protocol
A contract between a registry and a registrar. This agreement sets out the conditions under which a registrar agrees to provide domain name registration services for a top-level domain.
There are five RIR - Regional Internet Registries in the world. RIRs manage, distribute, and register Internet number resources (IPv4 and IPv6 address space and Autonomous System (AS) Numbers) within their respective regions.
Root Server
An authoritative name server that responds to queries about the contents of the root zone.

Root Zone
The top of the Domain Name System hierarchy. The root zone contains all the information you need to find top-level domains. Each edition of the root zone has a unique serial number. All root servers are expected to have and respond to queries about the current edition of the root zone.
Technical Evaluator
The Technical Evaluator tool allows to check if the configuration of the DNS servers indicated for a domain is correct or if it has an error.
The top-level domain is one of the components of Internet addresses. Each domain name on the Internet consists of a few names separated by dots, and the last of these names is the top-level domain, or TLD. For example, in the domain name example.pt, the TLD is the .pt. TLD's are divided in two classes: generic top-level domains, gTLD's, (.com, .net, .edu) and country code top-level domains, ccTLD's (.pt, .es, .br).
The TLD ISAC is an European initiative that aims to strengthen the cybersecurity capabilities and resilience of European top-level domains through information sharing, collaboration and promotion of best practices.
WHOIS is a service where it is possible to find information associated to a domain name, including the registrant, managing entity, technical information, registration and expiration date.
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